What Are The Different Write-Off Categories?
Before insuring a vehicle that has been written off, it's high-priority to understand which write-off category the car falls into. The category assigned to a written-off vehicle determines whether it can be repaired and driven again or if it must be scrapped.
- Category A: The most severe classification, Category A cars are so extensively damaged that they must be scrapped. These cars cannot be repaired or used for parts and must never be put back on the road.
- Category B: Category B cars also suffer extensive damage, but some parts can be salvaged and reused. However, the vehicle itself cannot be repaired or driven again and must be scrapped.
- Category S (formerly Category C): This category refers to cars that have suffered structural damage but can be repaired. Once fixed and given the appropriate safety inspections, Category S cars can be legally driven again.
- Category N (formerly Category D): Category N vehicles have sustained non-structural damage, such as electrical or cosmetic issues. These cars can often be repaired more easily and driven again after passing safety checks.
The type of write-off category could greatly influence your ability to insure the car, with Category S and N cars being the ones that can be legally repaired, sold, and insured for road use.

Can You Get Insurance For A Category S Car?
Category S vehicles have suffered structural damage, but they can be repaired and put back on the road with the right steps. Whilst you can insure a Category S car, not all insurers could be coulding to provide cover, and those that do may charge higher premiums because of the car's history.
Here’s what you need to know when insuring a Category S car:
- Repair certification: To insure a Category S vehicle, you’ll need to ensure it has been professionally repaired and certified as roadworthy. This may involve obtaining a Vehicle Identity Check (VIC) or similar certification to prove the car’s safety.
- Higher premiums: Because Category S cars have had structural damage, insurers may view them as higher risk. This could result in higher insurance premiums compared to cars with no history of being written off.
- Limited insurers: Not all insurance companies may cover Category S vehicles, so you may need to shop around and compare quotes from providers that specialise in insuring previously written-off cars.
Whilst it is possible to insure a Category S vehicle, it’s important to consider the potential costs and the importance of ensuring the car has been properly repaired.
Is It Easier To Insure A Category N Car?
Category N cars are generally easier to insure compared to Category S vehicles because they have not sustained structural damage. The repairs are typically cosmetic or involve non-structural elements, such as the electrical system or interior.
Here’s why Category N cars might be easier to insure:
- Non-structural damage: Since Category N cars haven’t suffered structural damage, insurers may view them as less risky than Category S vehicles. This often results in lower premiums compared to structurally damaged cars.
- Fewer repair concerns: Because the damage is less severe, insurers are more likely to offer cover for Category N cars, and there may be more insurance providers willing to offer a competitive quote.
- Still requires safety checks: Even though the damage isn’t structural, a Category N vehicle must still pass safety checks and be repaired properly before it can be insured and driven legally.
Whilst Category N cars are typically easier to insure, it’s still recommended to have the vehicle inspected thoroughly to ensure it’s roadworthy and to disclose its history to your insurer.
How Does A Write-Off Affect Insurance Premiums?
If you’re insuring a car that has been written off and repaired, you can expect that the vehicle’s history might affect your premiums. Generally, written-off cars are seen as higher risk by insurers, as they’ve been involved in accidents or damage that required significant repairs. This perceived risk can lead to higher premiums.
Here are a few factors that can influence your insurance premiums for a previously written-off car:
- Type of damage: Structural damage (Category S) is viewed as riskier than non-structural damage (Category N), which may lead to higher premiums for structurally damaged cars.
- Repair quality: If the repairs on the car were done to a high standard and the vehicle passes all necessary inspections, you may be able to get more competitive insurance quotes.
- Vehicle’s value: Written-off cars often have a lower market value than similar cars that haven’t been damaged. Insurers could consider the car’s value when calculating premiums, but even with a lower value, premiums can still be higher because of the car’s history.
Whilst insuring a previously written-off vehicle may be more expensive, it’s possible to look for affordable cover if you shop around and compare policies.
What Should You Consider Before Buying A Previously Written-Off Car?
Buying a car that has been written off and repaired can be a cost-effective way to own a vehicle, but it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks and costs before making the purchase.
Here’s what you should keep in mind before buying a written-off vehicle:
- Repair history: Make sure you obtain a full report on the repairs made to the car. You’ll want to ensure that the vehicle was repaired to a high standard by a qualified professional.
- Insurance costs: Check with several insurers to understand how the car’s write-off status might affect your premiums. Some insurers may refuse to cover the car, whilst others may charge higher premiums.
- Future resale value: A written-off car typically has a lower resale value than similar models that haven’t been damaged. Keep this in mind if you plan to sell the car in the future.
- Roadworthiness: Ensure the car passes all necessary safety checks and inspections before buying. You don’t want to drive a car that hasn’t been properly repaired or inspected, as this could put you at risk on the road.
Taking these considerations into account may help you make an informed decision about whether purchasing a previously written-off car is the right choice for you.
Can You Transfer A No-Claims Discount To A Written-Off Car?
If you’ve built up a no-claims discount (NCD) on your current car, you might be wondering if it can be transferred to a car that has been written off and repaired. In most cases, your NCD is tied to you as a driver, not to a specific vehicle, so it can be transferred to any car you insure, including a previously written-off car.
However, keep in mind that insurers may adjust your premiums based on the write-off status of the car, regardless of your NCD. It’s important to disclose the vehicle’s history to your insurer when applying for cover.
Here’s how your no-claims discount typically works:
- Applies to new policies: Your NCD can be applied to your new insurance policy when you insure a previously written-off car.
- Higher premiums: Whilst your NCD might reduce your premium, the fact that the car has been written off could still lead to a higher premium than you’d pay for a car without a write-off history.
Always check with your insurer to confirm how your no-claims discount might be applied to a previously written-off vehicle.

What Steps Should You Take To Insure A Written-Off Car?
If you’ve decided to insure a car that has been previously written off, follow these steps to ensure you get the right cover:
- Get the vehicle inspected: Make sure the car has been fully repaired and passes all safety checks. You may need to obtain documentation proving the repairs and roadworthiness of the vehicle.
- Shop around for quotes: Not all insurers may cover written-off vehicles, so it’s important to compare quotes from different providers. Look for insurers that specialise in covering repaired vehicles.
- Disclose the car’s history: Be honest with your insurer about the car’s history. Failing to disclose its write-off status could invalidate your policy.
By taking these steps, you can secure the right insurance for your written-off car and ensure you’re fully covered on the road.
Need to insure a previously written-off car? Compare car insurance quotes today to look for the right cover for your vehicle, no matter its history.
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