Can I Get Car Insurance If I’ve Been Involved In Multiple Accidents?

Can You Still Get Car Insurance After Multiple Accidents?

Having been involved in more than one accident can make the process of Looking for car insurance a bit more testing. Insurers view your driving history as a key factor when assessing the level of risk, and multiple accidents-whether they were your fault or not-can impact how much you pay. That said, it is still possible to look for cover, even with a history of claims. Here’s what you need to know.

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How Do Accidents Affect Your Premiums?

Insurers tend to view drivers with multiple claims as higher risk, which means premiums are likely to increase. Each claim indicates a greater likelihood of future accidents, from an insurer's perspective. This may result in:

Can I Get Car Insurance If I’ve Been Involved In Multiple Accidents? Accident
"Didn’t see it coming, but at least my insurance will handle it."

What Can Be Done To Lower Insurance Costs After Multiple Claims?

Whilst premiums may increase after several accidents, there are ways to help manage the costs. Here are some strategies that could potentially lower your premiums:

Will All Insurers Offer Cover?

Not all insurers may be willing to offer cover after a history of multiple accidents. Some may see it as too great a risk, but others specialise in high-risk drivers. It’s important to shop around and compare quotes, as different insurers weigh risks differently. Some might take into account how long it has been since your last accident, or the severity of each claim.

Can I Get Car Insurance If I’ve Been Involved In Multiple Accidents? Insured
"Insurance win – claim approved!"

Are Specialist Insurers An Option?

If standard insurers are unwilling to provide cover, it’s worth exploring specialist insurance providers. These insurers focus on offering policies to drivers with a history of claims or accidents. Whilst premiums may still be higher, these providers are more likely to offer comprehensive cover compared to mainstream insurers.

How Long Will Accidents Affect My Premiums?

Most insurers consider your claims history over the last five years. After this period, previous accidents may no longer impact your premiums. However, if you've had multiple accidents in recent years, the effects on your premiums may persist for a whilst. The key is to demonstrate safer driving habits going forward to help reduce costs over time.

Looking For Affordable Insurance After Multiple Accidents?

It’s still possible to look for car insurance after being involved in several accidents, even if premiums are higher. If you're looking to compare your options and look for the most suitable cover for your needs, consider comparing quotes today to get the best deal available for your situation.

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