Does Car Insurance Cover Damage Caused By A Hit And Run?

What Should You Do If You're Involved In A Hit And Run Accident?

Being involved in a hit and run accident is not only stressful but can also leave you feeling vulnerable and unsure of what to do next. A hit and run occurs when another driver causes damage or injury and then leaves the scene without providing their contact or insurance details. This can make it difficult to seek compensation for the damage done to your vehicle or any injuries you might have suffered.

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So I've Been Hit. What Do I Do?

If you're the victim of a hit and run, it's frequently recommended to act quickly and take the following steps to protect yourself and ensure that any potential insurance claim goes as smoothly as possible:

Taking these steps could give you the best chance of successfully researching a hit and run incident, even if the driver responsible cannot be identified.

Does My Car Insurance Cover Damage Caused By A Hit And Run? Accident
"Could’ve been much worse – at least my insurance is solid."

Will Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover You After A Hit And Run?

The level of cover you have might determine whether you’re financially protected after a hit and run. Comprehensive car insurance is the highest level of cover available in the UK and generally provides protection for a wide range of incidents, including damage caused by an unidentified driver.

Here’s how comprehensive insurance might help:

Comprehensive cover provides the most protection in these situations, but it’s commonly encouraged as a good idea to understand the terms of your policy to know exactly what you’re covered for.

Can Third-Party Insurance Help After A Hit And Run?

Third-party insurance is the minimum legal requirement for drivers in the UK. This type of cover only might protect you against damage or injury caused to other people, vehicles, or property, meaning it won’t cover the costs of repairing your own car.

If you have third-party insurance and are involved in a hit and run, you’ll need to cover the costs of any repairs yourself unless the other driver is identified and can be held liable. Without additional protection, you may face significant out-of-pocket expenses.

To improve your protection, consider upgrading your insurance to include comprehensive cover, which can provide financial assistance in the event of a hit and run.

What Is Uninsured Driver Protection, And How Can It Help?

Some car insurance policies include uninsured driver protection, which can be particularly useful in a hit and run situation. This type of cover might protect you financially if the person responsible for the accident is either uninsured or cannot be identified, as is often the case with hit and run incidents.

Here’s what uninsured driver protection can offer:

Uninsured driver protection can offer peace of mind and is a valuable addition to your policy, especially if you’re concerned about hit and run accidents.

Can The Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB) Help After A Hit And Run?

If you’re the victim of a hit and run and the driver cannot be identified, the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB) may be able to help. The MIB is a UK organisation that compensates victims of accidents caused by uninsured or untraceable drivers. If you’ve exhausted other options, you can submit a claim through the MIB to recover some of the costs.

Here’s how the MIB can assist:

Whilst the MIB can be a useful resource, it’s always best to have comprehensive insurance or uninsured driver protection in place to avoid relying solely on this option.

Will A Hit And Run Affect Your No-Claims Discount?

One of the biggest concerns for drivers involved in any accident is how it might affect their no-claims discount (NCD). A hit and run can be particularly frustrating because you’re not at fault, yet your NCD could still be impacted if you need to make a claim.

Here’s what to expect regarding your no-claims discount after a hit and run:

If protecting your no-claims discount is important to you, consider adding NCD protection or uninsured driver cover to your policy.

How Can You Protect Yourself Against Hit And Run Incidents?

Whilst no one can predict when a hit and run might occur, there are steps you can take to minimise the financial impact and ensure you’re properly protected. Here are some tips to help safeguard yourself against the consequences of a hit and run:

Taking these precautions can help you stay protected and ensure that you have the right cover in place in the unfortunate event of a hit and run.

Does My Car Insurance Cover Damage Caused By A Hit And Run? Insured
"What a relief to have that claim approved!"

How To Look for The Best Car Insurance With Hit And Run Protection

If you want to ensure you’re covered in the event of a hit and run, it’s important to choose the right car insurance policy. Not all policies offer the same level of protection, so comparing your options is suggested with confidence.

By comparing policies and ensuring you have the right level of cover, you can drive with peace of mind, knowing that you’re protected against hit and run incidents.

Looking for the best car insurance that might protect you in the event of a hit and run? Compare quotes today and research a policy that offers the cover you need.

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