Can I Get Cheap Insurance Even If I’ve Had Points On My Licence?

How Do Penalty Points Affect Your Car Insurance?

Having penalty points on your licence can have a significant impact on your car insurance premiums. Penalty points are given for various driving offences, such as speeding, careless driving, or using a mobile phone whilst driving. These points stay on your licence for a set period, depending on the severity of the offence, and insurers view them as an indication of higher risk. This means that if you have points on your licence, you are likely to face higher premiums.

However, the extent of the impact on your insurance could depend on several factors, including the number of points, the nature of the offence, and how recent it was. Not all penalty points are viewed the same, and insurers may treat minor offences differently to more serious violations.

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Can You Still Look for Affordable Insurance With Penalty Points?

Whilst penalty points can lead to higher premiums, it doesn’t mean that Looking for affordable insurance is impossible. Many insurers specialise in offering cover for drivers with points on their licence, and by shopping around, you can look for competitive rates that won’t break the bank. It’s often a favourable suggestion to be honest with insurers about any points on your licence, as failing to disclose them could result in your policy being invalidated.

Here are some strategies that could help lower your insurance costs even with points on your licence:

Can I Get Insurance If I’ve Had Points On My Licence? Accident
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Do Different Insurers View Penalty Points Differently?

Not all insurers treat penalty points the same way. Some companies are more lenient when it comes to minor offences, whilst others may raise premiums significantly even for a small number of points. It’s important to remember that insurers use their own criteria to assess risk, so you may look for considerable variations in premiums depending on the insurer.

Here are some factors that insurers consider when evaluating penalty points:

What Steps Can You Take To Reduce Your Insurance Premiums With Points?

If you have points on your licence, there are steps you can take to minimise their impact on your insurance premiums. By taking a proactive approach, you can demonstrate to insurers that you’re committed to safer driving and reduce the cost of your cover.

Here are some tips to help lower your premiums:

How Long Do Penalty Points Stay On Your Licence?

The length of time that penalty points stay on your driving licence depends on the type of offence. In most cases, points may remain on your licence for four years, but for more serious offences, they can stay on your record for up to eleven years. Even though points may remain on your licence for several years, insurers are typically more concerned with the most recent offences.

Here’s a breakdown of how long penalty points remain on your licence based on the type of offence:

Once the points have expired, they might no longer be visible to insurers, which can help reduce your premiums over time.

Can You Protect Your No-Claims Discount With Penalty Points?

If you’ve built up a no-claims discount (NCD), you may be concerned that penalty points could cause you to lose it. However, penalty points on your licence don’t automatically mean you’ll lose your no-claims bonus, as it depends on whether you make a claim.

Here’s how penalty points and no-claims discounts are related:

What Is The Best Way To Declare Penalty Points To Insurers?

It’s high-priority to be honest with insurers about any penalty points on your licence. Failing to declare penalty points when taking out or renewing a policy can invalidate your insurance, leaving you unprotected in the event of an accident.

Here’s how to properly declare penalty points to insurers:

Can I Get Insurance If I’ve Had Points On My Licence? Insured
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Are Specialist Insurers A Good Option For Drivers With Points?

If you’re struggling to look for affordable insurance owing to penalty points, you may want to consider using a specialist insurer. These insurers are experienced in offering cover for high-risk drivers, including those with points on their licence, and may be more flexible when it comes to pricing.

Here are some benefits of choosing a specialist insurer:

Conclusion: How To Look for The Right Car Insurance With Penalty Points

Having points on your licence doesn’t mean you have to pay sky-high premiums. By shopping around, comparing quotes, and taking steps to reduce your perceived risk, you can look for affordable car insurance even if you’ve been penalised for a driving offence. Whether it’s by choosing a specialist insurer, adjusting your excess, or taking a driving course, there are many ways to lower your insurance costs.

Looking to look for car insurance that suits your needs? Compare quotes today and discover the best options available, no matter your driving history.

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